Key Personnel
Lioncor Development
Main Contractor:
Flynn Management & Contractors
Henry J Lyons Architects
Demolition Contractor:
Hegarty Demolition
IMG Planning LTD
Project Overview
This development included the demolition of the existing three story over basement building on the site and the construction of a 3,005 sq.m (GFA) six story over basement mixed use building comprising an interactive multi-media exhibition area with associated offices, toilets and storage areas, plant areas, cycle parking (15 no. spaces) and bin storage areas in the basement; a multi-media exhibition and gallery area with an entrance from Chatham Street, an entrance lobby with entrances from Balfe Street and Chatham Lane and an ESB substation at ground floor; a multi-purpose conference and education space, meeting room, toilets and ancillary space at first floor; a total of 1425 sq.m (NFA) of office accommodation on the second, third, fourth and fifth floors with tiered roof terraces facing onto Chatham Street on the fourth and fifth floors.
Wave Dynamics were contracted to undertake a review of the façade acoustics for the project. This included modelling of the façade airborne sound insulation and vertical flanking performance at the slab edge flanking junctions.